Apr 24, 2023 5:22:57 PM / by LSS

In March, we celebrated Women's History Month by learning about women who have influenced our services and business. Check out the slideshow below to learn more about some of these amazing women!

Womens History Month 2023
WHM LSS Anna Connelly
Anna Connelly was one of the first women to submit a patent to the US office. Her idea, the steel exterior fire escape, allowed people to get out of buildings during an emergency through a series of stairs and bridges on the outside.

Learn more: https://livingfires.co.uk/2022/03/03/a-celebration-of-anna-connelly/
WHM LSS Giuliana Tesoro
Giuliana Tesoro is a chemist who made huge advancements in the fiber and textile industries with better performing clothing and cloth, including flame resistant fibers!

Learn more about Giuliana Tesoro: https://lemelson.mit.edu/resources/giuliana-tesoro
WHM LSS Patricia Billings
Patricia Billings invented the non-toxic fireproofing alternative to asbestos after a sculpture she was creating shattered and she wanted a way to cement it back together. Learn more about Patricia Billings: https://lemelson.mit.edu/resources/patricia-billings
WHM LSS Margaret E Knight
Margaret E Knight is known as Lady Edison with her many patents (89!). She is most well-known for the paper bag and bag folding machine, but she also invented a version of the fire extinguisher, and more!

Learn more about Margaret Knight: https://timeline.com/margaret-e-knight-paper-bag-f5d474c0f3d2
WHM LSS Harriet Tracy (1)
Harriet Tracy was a woman ahead of her time, filing multiple patents in the late 1800s. Most of her inventions are centered around either elevators and sewing machines, but she also invented a portable fire escape in 1883. Learn more about Harriet Tracy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Tracy
WHM LSS Becky Schroeder
Becky Schroeder was only 10 years old when she initially invented the "Glow Sheet" and after being granted her patent for it in 1974 (she was 12!), she worked with NASA on improvements to what became Photoluminescent signs!

Learn more about Becky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becky_Schroeder

Written by LSS

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