LSS Life Safety Services® is pleased to announce that we are offering financing & extended payment options on services and certain products. These innovative programs have helped thousands of companies nationwide in securing the necessary capital for large jobs and/or equipment purchases, and now we are pleased to offer you this option, too! These creative programs have helped various types of businesses including Hospitals, Long Term Care Facilities, Educational Institutions, and Hospitality Companies to name a few. So, if your facility is in need of fire damper repairs, door repairs, firestop installation or Photoluminescent egress path markers and exit signs, we may be able to finance the cost of that program! Is your facility looking to install UVC Disinfectant lighting in your HVAC system? We may be able to finance the cost of the equipment and installation.
We are partnering with Fidelity Capital to offer our clients a Financing Program.* Fidelity Capital for over a decade has provided financing solutions to companies ranging from start-up medical practices to high-growth tech & biotech firms, and Fortune 500 Companies. The Financing Program is designed for large Capital Projects where other means of funding are not available. The Financing Program allows clients to make payments monthly over a period of 12 months to 60 months, based on the amount and type of project. *
Financing for UVC Services/Products
UVC lighting is a simple and effective way to curb bacterial and viral growths. These specialized lamps produce an ultraviolet (UV) light that disrupts growth and deactivates existing growths, aiding in the disinfection of surfaces, water and more. Using one in your facility can help improve everything from air quality to the health and well-being of you and your occupants. Some of these services and products include:
- Installation of UVC Systems at the Coil
- Purchase of Mobile UVC Units
- Purchase/ Installation of UVC for PTAC Units
Finance the Cost of Smoke and Fire Damper Repairs
Fire and Smoke Dampers prevent the spread of fire and smoke through the ductwork of a facility. According to LSS statistics, on average, nearly 22% of dampers fail during a routine fire and smoke damper inspection, so it is not uncommon to have a list of dampers that are deficient and need repairing after testing is performed in your facility. According to The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 80 & 105, dampers that are found deficient during routine maintenance and inspection should be repaired as soon as possible.
Finance the Cost of Smoke and Fire Door Repairs
Fire Doors, if kept closed, help contain fire and smoke from spreading throughout a facility, while also providing a safe and easy evacuation route. Per LSS data, 90% of fire rated doors inspected are not in compliance with NFPA 80. Following the fire door inspection in your facility, you will be provided with a detailed list of deficiencies that will need to be repaired. According to NFPA 80, door that are found deficient after routine inspection must be repaired without delay.
Financing for New Firestop Installation or Updated Installation
Firestop materials are designed to seals any gaps and holes in fire walls/barriers in order to compartmentalize a building into section to prevent smoke and fires from spreading. Both The International Fire Code (IFC) and The International Building Code (IBC) require the routine maintenance of fire barrier walls. In fact, they state, walls should be properly repaired when damaged, altered, breached or penetrated. Any penetrations found should be repaired with approved methods capable of resisting the passage of smoke and fire.
Financing for Photoluminescent Egress Path Marking Systems & Exit Signage
Photoluminescent egress markers and exit signs are designed to clearly mark exit pathways and doors, making it easy for building occupants to follow. According to IBC and IFC, “luminous egress path markings that outline the exit path should be provided in buildings having floors that are located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of a fire department vehicle”.
LSS is also offering an Extended Payment Program, which will allow our clients the ability to extend payments over a period of 3 – 6 months, based on the amount and type of project. This program is designed to allow our clients the flexibility to proceed larger projects within their Maintenance Budgets, that otherwise would have been prohibitive due to monthly Maintenance Budget constraints.